It does not matter that George Zimmerman is not white

March 25, 2012

George Zimmerman

It does not matter that George Zimmerman is not white.

Hypothetical Story based on the Trayvon Martin Case: A 17 year old black teen was murdered while walking home from a convenience store with ice tea and a bag of Skittles. The suspect, a 28 year old male, was arrested and is in police custody awaiting trial.

Stories similar to the one above happen frequently and tragically in cities across America. Yet few have garnered as much national and international attention as the Trayvon Martin case. Why? Is it because an innocent black teen was murdered by a racist? No. What if Trayvon had been murdered by a thief, or a gang member, or a serial killer? The story would still be tragic. Trayvon would still be dead, murdered senselessly on his return from the store. But the world would not be in such an uproar and racial tensions would not be as high.

Some Americans have made it their mission to inform all of us that reports of a white male killing Trayvon are inaccurate. These Americans state it is a smear against white people, to inflame racial tensions and produce a narrative that does not exist. To their credit, it is important to get the facts straight. “George Zimmerman” does not sound much like a Hispanic name, however photos of the man certainly resemble a person with Hispanic features. Add to that the family of George Zimmerman emerging to inform us that George is not white, and these Americans are right in their correction.

So facts matter. Getting the truth right matters. But whether George is white or not has little to do with the uproar from the black community and the accusations of racism and injustice. In the example I initially provided, the unarmed teen victim was killed and the murder suspect was arrested. But that is not what happened in the Trayvon Martin case. Trayvon the unarmed teen was killed, but the suspect, George Zimmerman, walks free with his gun in hand.

National and international uproar, the shouts of injustice, the Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton appearances, the Obama remarks, the Miami Heat tributes, the intense anger particularly in the black community are not merely due to a racist murdering a black teen, but that racist walking free after the murder. George was not found “not guilty” by a jury and set free, he was set free by the police who took his word at the crime scene and let him go home with his gun.

So where does race play in this? Where does the black and white tension come from if Zimmerman wasn’t even white? The tension is found in the double standard, the signs of second class citizenry that appear blatantly obvious to the black community. It is a double standard that values the lives of white Americans more than black Americans and it has existed since this nation’s founding.

No one believes that a big black George Zimmerman would walk free without arrest. No one believes his testimony would be trusted by the police, especially when he pursued the teen after a 911 dispatcher told him not to. No one believes that a small white Trayvon Martin would be drug tested before the suspect, or assumed to be the aggressor by the police. No one believes the family of a white Trayvon Martin would be lied to about the history of the murder suspect by the police, or that a white family would face trust issues concerning the quality of investigation by the police.

No one believes a black George Zimmerman with a history of assault on a police officer, domestic violence, and resisting arrest would have any advocates in law enforcement supporting his claims of self defense. This is a nation that recently executed Troy Davis. This is a nation that sentenced John White on second degree manslaughter charges. John was arrested for accidentally shooting a white teenager who came with a group of his friends as a “lynch mob” to White’s property at midnight to threaten him and his family with violence and racial slurs. John White went to jail, Zimmerman has not been arrested. Police arrested Professor Henry Louis Gates for “breaking into his own property” when he forgot his key.

No need to list the history of injustices suffered by black Americans at the hands of the police. A simple google search will yield around 30 million results.

This is a tragic reality that appears unique and persistent to black Americans. The beating of Kelly Thomas by Fullerton police was so rare that for some white Americans it was a light bulb moment that they too might be vulnerable. Pepper spray on Occupy protestors or the arrest of the “Don’t Taze me Bro” pale in comparison to the shooting deaths of Oscar Grant, Sean Bell, Ramarley Graham, the Rodney King beating, and many other black tragedies. Couple those tragedies with the fears of driving while black, fitting the description, excessive force and police brutality, having drugs planted on you, Katrina murders by police, etc. and the Trayvon Martin case is another stab to an open wound.

So these fears have plagued the black community for years, decades, and generations. But the Trayvon Martin case is not a case of a abuse where Trayvon was a suspect. The Trayvon Martin case is a case of abuse where Trayvon was the victim. The UNARMED VICTIM received injustice. The VICTIM cries from his grave while his killer goes about his life freely without arrest. And even this has sad historical precedents; Emmett Till, Shirley Sherrod’s father, etc.

So if this is mainly a case of outrage over police injustice with the black community, where does the white-black tension lie? Please note, when I mention “white-black tension” I am not saying the Trayvon Martin case has sparked a hatred against white Americans by black Americans. I am saying that it intensifies the contrast in justice, freedom, safety and security, the contrast of protection under the law between the experiences of white Americans and black Americans once again. That is where the racial tension lies. It lies in the constant reminder that black Americans who built this nation are once again denied the rights, securities, and privileges guaranteed to all Americans and enjoyed by white Americans.

Yes Zimmerman appears to be a racist, and that’s awful. But if the police and justice system in Florida did not also appear to have racial biases, this national uproar would not have happened. It is naive of us to think that the election of Barack Obama has or can fix everything. The Trayvon Martin case is like re-injuring an old wound once again that never seems to heal. And Zimmerman’s ethnic make up does little to distract or comfort from the perceived and blatant double standard of justice for Trayvon and black Americans.

RIP Trayvon.

“Investing In America” – President Obama’s town hall meeting on the economy with CNBC

September 21, 2010

Watch President Obama’s entire town hall meeting on the economy with CNBC by clicking HERE.

Jim Renacci, Republican nominee for House of Representatives, rant against civil rights

September 9, 2010

Link to video

racist Jim Renacci

Watch the video above. A concerned citizen asks Ohio Republican nominee for the House of Representatives, Jim Renacci, about the lack of diversity in his campaign and what he plans to do in terms of civil rights and diversity. In response, Ranacci launches into a rant about “freedom” and how the federal government should get out of civil rights, which he believes should be handled locally.
The voter then points out civil rights came about largely because of the federal government, as certain cities and states were adamant about enforcing racism. For Jim Renacci to suggest that the federal government should get out of civil rights and “these issues be handled locally” is to suggest that he is against civil rights entirely. And he never answered the voters initial question concerning the lack of diversity in his campaign, or why minority communities should support his campaign.

He is clearly unqualified for the office, and it is sad that such subtle racist attitudes still exist in 2010.

What if the Tea Party was black? (Hip Hop Video)

July 26, 2010

Is FOX News a cult?

July 24, 2010

Fox News is Not Just Biased — It’s a Cult
by Bryant Welch

The danger Fox News poses to America is not that it is a biased or partisan arm of the Republican Party, as the Obama Administration contends. Fox is a danger because it is a cult and uses the same destabilizing psychological techniques cults use to undermine the independent functioning of minds they want to control.

Once unleashed, these cult-like techniques can ultimately take on a life of their own and become very dangerous, especially to the most important of all American freedoms, the freedom of thought. The most precise term for these techniques is mind control.

Unfortunately, by focusing on Fox News’ bias, the Administration diverts attention from the true problem. Fox is a powerful system of mind control that makes a mockery of the principles of self-reliance and individual responsibility for which Fox adherents ostensibly stand.

For cults, like Fox News, their objective is total control of the victim’s mind so that the viewer becomes the easily manipulated pawn of the cult. The cult leadership is not satisfied to merely convince the listener of a particular point of view. The cult wants to effectively pull the levers inside the listener’s mind, and direct that mind lock, stock and barrel. The cult will measure its own success by the relative ease with which it is able to do this.

As with any successful vehicle of thought control in a democratic society, overtly coercive tools of domination are not available as they are in more traditionally authoritarian regimes. People must not only join the cult voluntarily, they must also join without any awareness they have joined a cult.

Fox succeeds in both of these tasks in large part because they successfully penetrates their viewers’ minds in such a way that the viewers do not experience Fox News as telling them what to believe, what to do or, for that matter, even as advocating for what Fox News believes.

Instead, the Fox viewer has the experience of hearing something they believe they have already known or felt before, whether they have or have not, not unlike a déjà vu experience. The difference between psychological suggestion and independent thought is lost on the person succumbing to psychological suggestion.

Similarly, on an emotional level, Fox News elicits feelings of resentment from people, feelings which may be there to some extent, but which become far more pronounced by the time the extensive Fox commentary is over. Fox cleverly mirrors and amplifies these feelings explaining why any “sane” person would have the same feelings. The most common emotions in these cases are anger, disgust, and contempt. Humanistic emotions of compassion, love, and humor are almost totally lacking.

Many of the rest of us, the “non-adherents,” if you will, cannot understand how people can stand to listen to Fox News with its non-stop onslaught of what we experience as invective. What we don’t allow for in our assessment, because we don’t experience it, is the extraordinary relief Fox “commentary” provides to the minds of its adherents. It keeps listeners feeling certain, justified, and stimulated all day long, 24-7. This is no trivial psychological service.

Fox appears to provide a 24/7 fortification of people’s “own” political beliefs. And it is presented in a manner that ostensibly justifies a badly felt need for an emotional catharsis, especially rage, generated by the confusion people feel over the complexity of modern political and cultural issues. Helping people organize a suitable target for this rage requires creativity, good organizational skills and an interest in domination.

These psychological “services” make Fox a Trojan Horse ostensibly bearing psychological gifts that give Fox free entry to the mind of its listeners and enabling it to surreptitiously exercise longstanding Orwellian techniques of thought control. Well orchestrated, repetitive talking points, limited to a very few key “loaded words,” to borrow Orwell’s term, take on great psychological effectiveness. The words become mental implants, not arguments or policy justifications.

In this and other ways, the mind is gradually seduced into letting Fox have its way with the subjects’ psyche with remarkably little resistance. People display a robotic acquiescence to positions and attitudes that heretofore had never been of concern to them.

We have all experienced this striking transition with our own friends and acquaintances, and many of us have even experienced it with loved ones. It is as if one day they are there and reachable and the next they are shut off from us, unreachable by rational discussion. Some literally have a faraway look in their eyes. These are like the terrifying encounters that families of young people confront when their child has been “captured” by a cult. The Fox News cult is one that appeals to “children of all ages.”

After a certain period of time in such a dependent state, the mind is too enfeebled to reestablish any independence. This is what is often referred to as the “dumbing-down” of America.

This is also why we are seeing in Fox News adherents increasing evidence of cult influence. The Republican conventioneers riotous laughter at the phrase “Drill, Baby, drill,” the “birthers” crazily insisting that Obama was born in Kenya, and the “deathers” insisting that the government was putting a clause in the health insurance reform package that would be a “death sentence” for them all suggest that rapturous, cult-induced, vacuous thinking has increasingly replaced rational and independent thought.

The effects of the manipulations of a cult are very difficult to reverse. Cults are known for the casualties they cause. For some people, the loss of a connection to their cult is followed by acute psychiatric breakdowns. For a democratic society to have so many of its independent minds under this kind of assault is extremely dangerous as the ill-conceived ventures we have undertaken as a nation over the last decade so painfully illustrate.

Cults need to grow or they wither. They are dependent upon the vampire-like, insatiable need to bring new “blood” into the system with its invigorating impact on the group. How far Fox can go is unclear, but there is no apparent limit to its potential expansion at the present time.

Arthur Miller’s 1945 novel Focus made into a 2002 movie by the same name starring William Macy and Laura Dern provides a chilling portrayal of the spread of a political cult with an unnamed prejudice, presumably anti-semitism. For readers who have not seen it, it will provide an eerie reminder to the feeling you have when your neighbor almost overnight seems to have “swallowed the kool aid” and tells you, as one of my friends did, that he listens to Fox News because it is “fair and balanced.” This was not an independent thought my friend had. It was a “thought” chip that had been implanted in his mind by Fox News.

Cults provide a powerful temporary balm to a troubled mind — they provide simplicity in the form of a surrender of the struggle an independent confronts. “Give me your tired and uncertain mind, and I will keep you safe from the complexities, uncertainties and fears that afflict you.” It is, of course, from the perspective of the person’s mental functioning, a Faustian barter with the devil except that one surrenders the mind, not the soul.

The problem is that with each surrender of an independent mind, there is a strong likelihood that that mind will never return to independent functioning, but, instead, will be in the service of inherently repressive cult-like forces who can only function in what is really a lifeless existence where processes of destruction substitute for life and vitality,

The Obama Administration is right to be concerned about Fox News. But Fox is not just another biased news media. Fox is a cult.

Bryant Welch, J.D., Ph.D. is a clinical psychologist and attorney. He is the author of State of Confusion: Political Manipulation and the Assault on the American Mind (St Martin’s Press, 2008.)

Anti Sarah Palin t-shirts for sale!

April 16, 2010

Sarah Palin “NOPE” t shirt

Sarah Palin “JOKE” t shirts

Sarah Palin “JOKE” t shirt (white) by altworld
Design custom t-shirts at

Sarah Palin “Thanks but no thanks” t shirt

Sarah Palin “Thanks but no thanks” t shirt by altworld
See other Anti T-Shirts

Sarah Palin MILF t shirts

Sarah Palin “MILF” t shirt by altworld
Many more t-shirts online at zazzle

Protests in Iran turn violent!

December 30, 2009

Tennessee Mayor slams President Obama for interrupting a Charlie Brown cartoon with his address on war

December 4, 2009

You can’t make this stuff up folks! You just can’t make it up. Tennessee Mayor Russell Wiseman is still promoting the campaign lie that the President is a Muslim (a false rumor addressed and readdressed endlessly during last year’s campaign). He also believes that the Commander in Chief addressed our nation about the Afghan war and deploying more troops in a sneaky anti-Christian move to block children from watching Charlie Brown’s Christmas special (which can be found on DVD and most likely the internet).

Huffingtonpost reports

In case you didn’t know, President Barack Obama’s West Point address, in which he announced his intention to escalate the war in Afghanistan, pre-empted the broadcast of A Charlie Brown Christmas on ABC. As it turns out, at least one person was crackpotted enough to believe that the whole point of the address was to prevent this cartoon from being shown. That person is Arlington, Tennessee Mayor Russell Wiseman. He actually exists. And he made the mistake of bleating out his strident, weird take on the matter on Facebook, and is acting all aggrieved that people noticed.

His Facebook message read in part:

Ok, so, this is total crap, we sit the kids down to watch ‘The Charlie Brown Christmas Special’ and our muslim [sic] president is there, what a load…..try to convince me that wasn’t done on purpose. Ask the man if he believes that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and he will give you a 10 minute disertation [sic] about it….w…hen the answer should simply be ‘yes’….

First off, “A Charlie Brown Christmas” is a twenty-five minute dissertation on Jesus Christ being the Son of God. More importantly, in this time of giving, I’ll point out that “A Charlie Brown Christmas” is available on DVD from Amazon for $13.99. Maybe one of Wiseman’s Facebook friends (maybe even the one with a conscience who sold Wiseman out to the press out of a higher obligation, perhaps instilled by his or her belief in Jesus Christ) should purchase it for him, and he need never watch a speech about a serious topic like war again.

MUST SEE – Michael Jackson: The Untold Story of Neverland

August 21, 2009

Please link to this blog post and send it out to everyone you know! This is for all of the people who either believe that Michael molested children or “aren’t sure” about it. I won’t voice my opinion on it, I’ll let you watch the documentary yourself and make the judgment for yourself. Again, make this documentary VIRAL!






The Truth About Michael Jackson – The Arvizo Family Tells The Truth

August 20, 2009